1. 《信号与系统》(本科生)
2. 《强化学习》(本科生)
3. 《机器学习》(研究生)
1. Yongxin Su, Shuaixian Yue, Lei Qiu, Jie Chen*, Rui Wang, Mao Tan. Energy management for scalable battery swapping stations: A deep reinforcement learning and mathematical optimization cascade approach. Applied Energy, 2024, 365: 123212. (Top, IF=10.1)
2. Yongxin Su*, Yao Zhou, Mao Tan. An interval optimization strategy of household multi-energy system considering tolerance degree and integrated demand response. Applied Energy, 2020, 260: 114144. (Top, IF=9.746)
3. Yongxin Su*, Haotian Peng , Mao Tan, Jie Chen. Integrating graph signal processing and multitask temporal convolutional networks for household nonintrusive load monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, 73: 2512212. (Top, IF=5.6)
4. Yongxin Su, Tao Zhang, Mengyao Xu, Mao Tan*, Yuzhou Zhang, Rui Wang, Ling Wang. Rough knowledge enhanced dueling deep Q-network for household integrated demand response optimization. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 101: 105065. (Top, IF=10.5)
5. Yongxin Su*, Xiaohua Zou, Mao Tan, Hanmei Peng, Jie Chen. Integrating few-shot personalized thermal comfort model and reinforcement learning for HVAC demand response optimization. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 91: 109509. (Top, IF=6.7)
6. Yongxin Su, Qiyao He, Jie Chen*, Mao Tan. A residential load forecasting method for multi-attribute adversarial learning considering multi-source uncertainties. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2023, 154:109421. (Top, IF=5.2)
7. 苏永新,张涛,谭貌*,彭寒梅.知识与深度强化学习融合的家庭需求响应优化.中国电机工程学报, 2023, 43(5):1855-1866. (一级学报)
8. 苏永新*,吴泽旋,谭貌,段斌.基于深度强化学习的家庭综合需求响应在线优化.中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(16):5581-5592. (一级学报)
9. Zhiyao Zhang(本科生), Yongxin Su*, Mao Tan, Rui Cao. Fusing domain knowledge and reinforcement learning for home integrated demand response online optimization. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , 2023, 121:105995. (Top, IF=8)
10. Mao Tan, Zibin Li, Yongxin Su*, Yuling Ren, Ling Wang, Rui Wang. Dual time-scale robust optimization for energy management of distributed energy community considering source-load uncertainty. Renewable Energy, 2024, 226: 120435. (Top, IF=9.0)
11. Mao Tan, Zhuocen Dai, Yongxin Su∗, Caixue Chen, Ling Wang, Jie Chen. Bi-level optimization of charging scheduling of a battery swap station based on deep reinforcement learning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 118: 105557. (Top, IF=8)
1. 湖南省科学技术进步奖二等奖,随机发用电场站智能调控关键技术及应用,20224197-J2-215-R02,湖南省人民政府,2024.
2. 湖南省教育厅重点项目,知识与强化学习融合的微能源网需求响应自适应优化, 23A0142, 2023-2026.
3. 产学研合作项目,居民智慧用电关键技术研究,2021-2023.
4. 国家重点研发计划,神经网处理器关键标准与验证芯片子项,2018AAA0103300, 2019-2023.
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,综合需求响应环境下基于多源信息融合的区域多能源系统负荷预测研究,61873222,2019-2022.
6. 湖南省自然科学省市联合基金项目,2015JJ5027,电能直接交易环境下风电场运行优化,2015-2017.
7. 湖南省重点研发计划项目,大型工业电力负荷多尺度预测与智能需量调控系统研发,2017GK2244,2017-2019.